Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Nailing Pizza Night :: Perfect Paleo Pizza.

In the past 4ish years of my kitchen follies in Paleo cooking, I have always said I would try one of the ever-so-popular Paleo pizza crusts.Somehow, I have always found it too intimidating, seemingly complicated, or just not the adventure for that night. Well, this was the night!
My coworker, Karen, more affectionately called KSue, shared this link to a pizza crust from Paleo Spirit. She mentioned it being really easy, so I stocked up on the ingredients so that I could be ready to make it any point. Finally, last night, as I wrapped up day 98 of my Whole101, I decided it was time to try it.

The crust was super easy and straight forward. I may play with adding some spices and herbs next time to mix up the flavor, but trust me, it was good just as is! I left the pan in the oven while it preheated so it was nice and toasty when I transferred the parchment paper over to the hot pan. I baked my crust for 10 minutes before taking it out to add toppings and this is what it looked like.
 I added a thick slather of Trader Joe's Tomato Basil Marinara (check your labels!), followed by a full layer of fresh arugula. Boiled chicken from the weekend was easy to cut into thin slices to add some protein and then a nice sprinkle of sun dried tomatoes and some more sauce topped it all off.
 While I think this was a great combo of flavors to start, I went ahead and added a dusting of Flavor God's "Everything Seasoning" and a little extra dried basil to the top for full flavor optimization!
 Back in the oven for about 5-6 more minutes...I just watched to see the toppings crisp up a little and make sure the crust didn't burn.
The crust edge was perfectly crispy around the edges while the toppings all molded together like one big smear of flavor. So much so, that I didn't even notice the absence of cheese! Sorry boutcha, Dairy! The center was not to crispy while sturdy enough to still allow me to eat it just like a slice of pizza.

Yall. Some experiments take some refining and spice testing to get something worthy of bragging about. This pizza? Nailed it on the first try. I can't wait to experiment with different toppings and possibly even venture into new creations out of the crust.

So bring on days 100 and 101 of my Whole101. This pizza is comin with me into the next 100 and I'm PUMPED about it.

Pizza Night On, Friends!
Finding Fit,

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